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synced 2025-03-01 13:54:19 +00:00
ox-hugo currently supports the following syntax for latex equations: - https://orgmode.org/manual/LaTeX-fragments.html - https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/equations This syntax is supported by mathjax as is mentioned in the ox-hugo documentation. But quartz uses remark-math which has some issues with the \( \) syntax. See https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-math/issues/39 This change adds few more transformations to the OxHugoFlavouredMarkdown plugin, which makes a best effort conversion of this syntax into what the Quartz Latex transformer plugin supports. With these changes, the generated files show latex formatting with default quartz configuration. Sidenote on `\_` escape by ox-hugo: ox-hugo escapes, _ using \_, we match against it after we transform equations into what quartz supports($$ and $). This could be achieved using lookaround like regex as follows ```js (?<=(\$|\$\$)[\s\S]*) -> Positive lookbehind for $ or $$ \\_ -> Matches \_ (?=[\s\S]*(?:\1)) Positive lookahead for $ or $$ if matched const escapedUnderscoreRegex = new RegExp(/(?<=(\$|\$\$)[\s\S]*)\\_(?=[\s\S]*(?:\1))/, "g") ```` But since lookahead/behind can slow things down on large files, we just look up all equations with $ and $$ delimiters and then try replacing \_
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- plugin/transformer
[org-roam](https://www.orgroam.com/) is a plain-text personal knowledge management system for [emacs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emacs). [ox-hugo](https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo) is org exporter backend that exports `org-mode` files to [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) compatible Markdown.
Because the Markdown generated by ox-hugo is not pure Markdown but Hugo specific, we need to transform it to fit into Quartz. This is done by `Plugin.OxHugoFlavouredMarkdown`. Even though this [[making plugins|plugin]] was written with `ox-hugo` in mind, it should work for any Hugo specific Markdown.
```typescript title="quartz.config.ts"
plugins: {
transformers: [
Plugin.FrontMatter({ delims: "+++", language: "toml" }), // if toml frontmatter
// ...
// ...
## Usage
Quartz by default doesn't understand `org-roam` files as they aren't Markdown. You're responsible for using an external tool like `ox-hugo` to export the `org-roam` files as Markdown content to Quartz and managing the static assets so that they're available in the final output.
## Configuration
- Link resolution
- `wikilinks`: Whether to replace `{{ relref }}` with Quartz [[wikilinks]]
- `removePredefinedAnchor`: Whether to remove [pre-defined anchor set by ox-hugo](https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/anchors/).
- Image handling
- `replaceFigureWithMdImg`: Whether to replace `<figure/>` with `![]()`
- Formatting
- `removeHugoShortcode`: Whether to remove hugo shortcode syntax (`{{}}`)
- `replaceOrgLatex`: Whether to replace org-mode formatting for latex fragments with what `Plugin.Latex` supports.
> [!warning]
> While you can use `Plugin.OxHugoFlavoredMarkdown` and `Plugin.ObsidianFlavoredMarkdown` together, it's not recommended because it might mutate the file in unexpected ways. Use with caution.