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2020-11-13 1e9f826e-69c6-4a52-8cf8-135abc082fb3 JavaScript Symbols


These are tokens that serve as unique IDs. You create symbols via the factory function Symbol() (which is loosely similar to string returning strings if called as a function).


const symbol1 = Symbol();

Add a description

const tralala = Symbol('tralala')
console.log(tralala) // Symbol(tralala)

Convert to string

const tralala = Symbol('tralala')
console.log(String(tralala)) // `Symbol(tralala)`

Every Symbol is unique

console.log(Symbol() === Symbol()) // false

Property keys

const KEY = Symbol();
const obj = {};

obj[KEY] = 123;
console.log(obj[KEY]); // 123
const FOO = Symbol();
const obj = {
    [FOO]() {
        return 'bar';
console.log(obj[FOO]()); // bar

Use as reserved inherited method names

If for some bizarre reason you want to use reserved inherited method names yourself (like toString) you can with Symbols.

const toStringSymbol = Symbol("toString");
Array.prototype[toStringSymbol] = function() {
  return `${this.length} cm of blue yarn`;

console.log([1, 2].toString()); //1, 2
console.log([1, 2][toStringSymbol]()); // 2 cm of blue yarn


Symbols can also be used in object expressions and classes.

const toStringSymbol = Symbol("toString");

let stringObject = {
  [toStringSymbol]() {
    return "a jute rope";
console.log(stringObject[toStringSymbol]()); // a jute rope