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synced 2024-11-22 19:46:23 +00:00
The fetchData function suffer from a race condition. If the function is called before the promise finishes, it will result in another pair of HTTP request. This does not only make the function useless but Actually, it makes it harmful as the data might be redownloaded twice. Now fetchData is not a function but rather the promise by itself. Previous callers are expected to await the variable instead, this should be not concern as awaiting a promise multiple time in JavaScript is completely safe.
247 lines
7.1 KiB
247 lines
7.1 KiB
// code from https://github.com/danestves/markdown-to-text
const removeMarkdown = (
options = {
listUnicodeChar: false,
stripListLeaders: true,
gfm: true,
useImgAltText: false,
preserveLinks: false,
) => {
let output = markdown || "";
output = output.replace(/^(-\s*?|\*\s*?|_\s*?){3,}\s*$/gm, "");
try {
if (options.stripListLeaders) {
if (options.listUnicodeChar)
output = output.replace(
options.listUnicodeChar + " $1"
else output = output.replace(/^([\s\t]*)([\*\-\+]|\d+\.)\s+/gm, "$1");
if (options.gfm) {
output = output
.replace(/\n={2,}/g, "\n")
.replace(/~{3}.*\n/g, "")
.replace(/~~/g, "")
.replace(/`{3}.*\n/g, "");
if (options.preserveLinks) {
output = output.replace(/\[(.*?)\][\[\(](.*?)[\]\)]/g, "$1 ($2)")
output = output
.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "")
.replace(/^[=\-]{2,}\s*$/g, "")
.replace(/\[\^.+?\](\: .*?$)?/g, "")
.replace(/\s{0,2}\[.*?\]: .*?$/g, "")
.replace(/\!\[(.*?)\][\[\(].*?[\]\)]/g, options.useImgAltText ? "$1" : "")
.replace(/\[(.*?)\][\[\(].*?[\]\)]/g, "$1")
.replace(/^\s{0,3}>\s?/g, "")
.replace(/(^|\n)\s{0,3}>\s?/g, "\n\n")
.replace(/^\s{1,2}\[(.*?)\]: (\S+)( ".*?")?\s*$/g, "")
/^(\n)?\s{0,}#{1,6}\s+| {0,}(\n)?\s{0,}#{0,} {0,}(\n)?\s{0,}$/gm,
.replace(/([\*_]{1,3})(\S.*?\S{0,1})\1/g, "$2")
.replace(/([\*_]{1,3})(\S.*?\S{0,1})\1/g, "$2")
.replace(/(`{3,})(.*?)\1/gm, "$2")
.replace(/`(.+?)`/g, "$1")
.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n\n");
} catch (e) {
return markdown;
return output;
// -----
(async function() {
const contentIndex = new FlexSearch.Document({
cache: true,
charset: "latin:extra",
optimize: true,
worker: true,
document: {
index: [{
field: "content",
tokenize: "strict",
context: {
resolution: 5,
depth: 3,
bidirectional: true
suggest: true,
}, {
field: "title",
tokenize: "forward",
const { content } = await fetchData
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(content)) {
id: key,
title: value.title,
content: removeMarkdown(value.content),
const highlight = (content, term) => {
const highlightWindow = 20
const tokenizedTerm = term.split(/\s+/).filter(t => t !== "")
const splitText = content.split(/\s+/).filter(t => t !== "")
const includesCheck = (token) => tokenizedTerm.some(term => token.toLowerCase().startsWith(term.toLowerCase()))
const occurrencesIndices = splitText
// calculate best index
let bestSum = 0
let bestIndex = 0
for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(occurrencesIndices.length - highlightWindow, 0); i++) {
const window = occurrencesIndices.slice(i, i + highlightWindow)
const windowSum = window.reduce((total, cur) => total + cur, 0)
if (windowSum >= bestSum) {
bestSum = windowSum
bestIndex = i
const startIndex = Math.max(bestIndex - highlightWindow, 0)
const endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + 2 * highlightWindow, splitText.length)
const mappedText = splitText
.slice(startIndex, endIndex)
.map(token => {
if (includesCheck(token)) {
return `<span class="search-highlight">${token}</span>`
return token
.join(" ")
.replaceAll('</span> <span class="search-highlight">', " ")
return `${startIndex === 0 ? "" : "..."}${mappedText}${endIndex === splitText.length ? "" : "..."}`
const resultToHTML = ({url, title, content, term}) => {
const text = removeMarkdown(content)
const resultTitle = highlight(title, term)
const resultText = highlight(text, term)
return `<button class="result-card" id="${url}">
const redir = (id, term) => {
window.location.href = BASE_URL + `${id}#:~:text=${encodeURIComponent(term)}`
const formatForDisplay = id => ({
url: id,
title: content[id].title,
content: content[id].content
const source = document.getElementById('search-bar')
const results = document.getElementById("results-container")
let term
source.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
const anchor = document.getElementsByClassName("result-card")[0]
redir(anchor.id, term)
source.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
term = e.target.value
contentIndex.search(term, [
field: "content",
limit: 10,
suggest: true,
field: "title",
limit: 5,
]).then(searchResults => {
const getByField = field => {
const results = searchResults.filter(x => x.field === field)
if (results.length === 0) {
return []
} else {
return [...results[0].result]
const allIds = new Set([...getByField('title'), ...getByField('content')])
const finalResults = [...allIds].map(formatForDisplay)
// display
if (finalResults.length === 0) {
results.innerHTML = `<button class="result-card">
<h3>No results.</h3>
<p>Try another search term?</p>
} else {
results.innerHTML = finalResults
.map(result => resultToHTML({
const anchors = document.getElementsByClassName("result-card");
[...anchors].forEach(anchor => {
anchor.onclick = () => redir(anchor.id, term)
const searchContainer = document.getElementById("search-container")
function openSearch() {
if (searchContainer.style.display === "none" || searchContainer.style.display === "") {
source.value = ""
results.innerHTML = ""
searchContainer.style.display = "block"
} else {
searchContainer.style.display = "none"
function closeSearch() {
searchContainer.style.display = "none"
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (event.key === "/") {
if (event.key === "Escape") {
const searchButton = document.getElementById("search-icon")
searchButton.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
searchButton.addEventListener('keydown', (evt) => {
searchContainer.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
document.getElementById("search-space").addEventListener('click', (evt) => {