id: 5114b51a-da22-4c9c-a12c-c416aeb984b6
title: Golang Errors

# Basics

Go supports Errors

``` go

import (

func ThrowError(throwError bool) error {
    if throwError {
        return errors.New("This is an error")

    fmt.Println("No error was thrown!")
    return nil

func main() {

# Wrappers

It appears to be good practice to make errors a `const`. This example
uses the Error [interface](20200831171822-interfaces):

``` go
const (
    ErrNotFound   = DictionaryErr("could not find the word you were looking for")
    ErrWordExists = DictionaryErr("cannot add word because it already exists")

type DictionaryErr string

func (e DictionaryErr) Error() string {
    return string(e)

# Handy Links

-   Constant errors[^1]

# Footnotes

[^1]: <https://dave.cheney.net/2016/04/07/constant-errors>