import { GlobalConfiguration } from "../../cfg"
import { CanonicalSlug, ClientSlug, FilePath, ServerSlug, canonicalizeServer } from "../../path"
import { QuartzEmitterPlugin } from "../types"
import path from "path"

export type ContentIndex = Map<CanonicalSlug, ContentDetails>
export type ContentDetails = {
  title: string
  links: CanonicalSlug[]
  tags: string[]
  content: string
  date?: Date
  description?: string

interface Options {
  enableSiteMap: boolean
  enableRSS: boolean
  includeEmptyFiles: boolean

const defaultOptions: Options = {
  enableSiteMap: true,
  enableRSS: true,
  includeEmptyFiles: false,

function generateSiteMap(cfg: GlobalConfiguration, idx: ContentIndex): string {
  const base = cfg.baseUrl ?? ""
  const createURLEntry = (slug: CanonicalSlug, content: ContentDetails): string => `<url>
  const urls = Array.from(idx)
    .map(([slug, content]) => createURLEntry(slug, content))
  return `<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xhtml="">${urls}</urlset>`

function generateRSSFeed(cfg: GlobalConfiguration, idx: ContentIndex): string {
  const base = cfg.baseUrl ?? ""
  const root = `https://${base}` as ClientSlug

  const createURLEntry = (slug: CanonicalSlug, content: ContentDetails): string => `<items>

  const items = Array.from(idx)
    .map(([slug, content]) => createURLEntry(slug, content))
  return `<rss xmlns:atom="" version="2.0">
      <description>Recent content on ${cfg.pageTitle}</description>
      <generator>Quartz --</generator>
      <atom:link href="${root}/index.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>

export const ContentIndex: QuartzEmitterPlugin<Partial<Options>> = (opts) => {
  opts = { ...defaultOptions, ...opts }
  return {
    name: "ContentIndex",
    async emit(ctx, content, _resources, emit) {
      const cfg = ctx.cfg.configuration
      const emitted: FilePath[] = []
      const linkIndex: ContentIndex = new Map()
      for (const [_tree, file] of content) {
        const slug = canonicalizeServer(!)
        const date = ?? new Date()
        if (opts?.includeEmptyFiles || ( && !== "")) {
          linkIndex.set(slug, {
            links: ?? [],
            tags: ?? [],
            content: ?? "",
            date: date,
            description: ?? "",

      if (opts?.enableSiteMap) {
        await emit({
          content: generateSiteMap(cfg, linkIndex),
          slug: "sitemap" as ServerSlug,
          ext: ".xml",
        emitted.push("sitemap.xml" as FilePath)

      if (opts?.enableRSS) {
        await emit({
          content: generateRSSFeed(cfg, linkIndex),
          slug: "index" as ServerSlug,
          ext: ".xml",
        emitted.push("index.xml" as FilePath)

      const fp = path.join("static", "contentIndex") as ServerSlug
      const simplifiedIndex = Object.fromEntries(
        Array.from(linkIndex).map(([slug, content]) => {
          // remove description and from content index as nothing downstream
          // actually uses it. we only keep it in the index as we need it
          // for the RSS feed
          delete content.description
          return [slug, content]

      await emit({
        content: JSON.stringify(simplifiedIndex),
        slug: fp,
        ext: ".json",
      emitted.push(`${fp}.json` as FilePath)

      return emitted
    getQuartzComponents: () => [],