id: c409c0cd-5284-4333-ae99-bc351ff8ba0d
title: Cargo

# Description

Cargo is Rust's build system and package manager.

# Configuration

-   [Cargo.toml](20201120094652-cargo_toml)

# Commands

## Create project

``` shell
cargo new hello_cargo

## Build & run project

``` shell
cargo run

### Backtrace

When you want to see an error backtrace set the `RUST_BACKTRACE`
environment variable:

``` shell
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run

## Publish to Crates.io

``` shell
cargo publish

## Install package

``` shell
cargo install ripgrep

## Linting & testing

Check code

``` shell
cargo check


``` shell
cargo test

1.  Backtrace

    To backtrace set the `RUST_BACKTRACE` environment variable:

    ``` shell
    RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run

2.  Threads

    By default cargo runs test in parallel. For more control over this
    you can pass the number of threads you want to use. For example to
    only use 1 thread:

    ``` shell
    cargo test -- --test=threads=1

3.  Show output for passing tests as well as failed tests

    ``` shell
    cargo test -- --show-output

4.  Pass test name to cargo (this equals test function name)

    ``` shell
    cargo test one_hundred

5.  Run ignored tests

    ``` shell
    cargo test -- --ignored


The rustfix tool is included with Rust installations and can
automatically fix some compiler warnings.

``` shell
cargo fix

## Builds

### Profiles

In Rust, release profiles are predefined and customizable profiles with
different configurations that allow a programmer to have more control
over various options for compiling code. Each profile is configured
independently of the others.

Cargo has two main profiles: the `dev` profile Cargo uses when you run
cargo build and the release profile Cargo uses when you run
`cargo build --release`. The `dev` profile is defined with good defaults
for development, and the `release` profile has good defaults for release

1.  dev

    ``` shell
    cargo build

2.  build

    ``` shell
    cargo build --release

## Documentation

See [Rust Comments](20200827190035-rust_comments) for documentation

### Generation

``` shell
cargo doc

### Open in browser

``` shell
cargo doc --open