import type { ContentDetails } from "../../plugins/emitters/contentIndex" import { SimulationNodeDatum, SimulationLinkDatum, Simulation, forceSimulation, forceManyBody, forceCenter, forceLink, forceCollide, zoomIdentity, select, drag, zoom, } from "d3" import { Text, Graphics, Application, Container, Circle } from "pixi.js" import { Group as TweenGroup, Tween as Tweened } from "@tweenjs/tween.js" import { registerEscapeHandler, removeAllChildren } from "./util" import { FullSlug, SimpleSlug, getFullSlug, resolveRelative, simplifySlug } from "../../util/path" import { D3Config } from "../Graph" type GraphicsInfo = { color: string gfx: Graphics alpha: number active: boolean } type NodeData = { id: SimpleSlug text: string tags: string[] } & SimulationNodeDatum type SimpleLinkData = { source: SimpleSlug target: SimpleSlug } type LinkData = { source: NodeData target: NodeData } & SimulationLinkDatum<NodeData> type LinkRenderData = GraphicsInfo & { simulationData: LinkData } type NodeRenderData = GraphicsInfo & { simulationData: NodeData label: Text } const localStorageKey = "graph-visited" function getVisited(): Set<SimpleSlug> { return new Set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey) ?? "[]")) } function addToVisited(slug: SimpleSlug) { const visited = getVisited() visited.add(slug) localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify([...visited])) } type TweenNode = { update: (time: number) => void stop: () => void } async function renderGraph(container: string, fullSlug: FullSlug) { const slug = simplifySlug(fullSlug) const visited = getVisited() const graph = document.getElementById(container) if (!graph) return removeAllChildren(graph) let { drag: enableDrag, zoom: enableZoom, depth, scale, repelForce, centerForce, linkDistance, fontSize, opacityScale, removeTags, showTags, focusOnHover, } = JSON.parse(graph.dataset["cfg"]!) as D3Config const data: Map<SimpleSlug, ContentDetails> = new Map( Object.entries<ContentDetails>(await fetchData).map(([k, v]) => [ simplifySlug(k as FullSlug), v, ]), ) const links: SimpleLinkData[] = [] const tags: SimpleSlug[] = [] const validLinks = new Set(data.keys()) const tweens = new Map<string, TweenNode>() for (const [source, details] of data.entries()) { const outgoing = details.links ?? [] for (const dest of outgoing) { if (validLinks.has(dest)) { links.push({ source: source, target: dest }) } } if (showTags) { const localTags = details.tags .filter((tag) => !removeTags.includes(tag)) .map((tag) => simplifySlug(("tags/" + tag) as FullSlug)) tags.push(...localTags.filter((tag) => !tags.includes(tag))) for (const tag of localTags) { links.push({ source: source, target: tag }) } } } const neighbourhood = new Set<SimpleSlug>() const wl: (SimpleSlug | "__SENTINEL")[] = [slug, "__SENTINEL"] if (depth >= 0) { while (depth >= 0 && wl.length > 0) { // compute neighbours const cur = wl.shift()! if (cur === "__SENTINEL") { depth-- wl.push("__SENTINEL") } else { neighbourhood.add(cur) const outgoing = links.filter((l) => l.source === cur) const incoming = links.filter((l) => === cur) wl.push( =>, => l.source)) } } } else { validLinks.forEach((id) => neighbourhood.add(id)) if (showTags) tags.forEach((tag) => neighbourhood.add(tag)) } const nodes = [...neighbourhood].map((url) => { const text = url.startsWith("tags/") ? "#" + url.substring(5) : (data.get(url)?.title ?? url) return { id: url, text, tags: data.get(url)?.tags ?? [], } }) const graphData: { nodes: NodeData[]; links: LinkData[] } = { nodes, links: links .filter((l) => neighbourhood.has(l.source) && neighbourhood.has( .map((l) => ({ source: nodes.find((n) => === l.source)!, target: nodes.find((n) => ===!, })), } // we virtualize the simulation and use pixi to actually render it const simulation: Simulation<NodeData, LinkData> = forceSimulation<NodeData>(graphData.nodes) .force("charge", forceManyBody().strength(-100 * repelForce)) .force("center", forceCenter().strength(centerForce)) .force("link", forceLink(graphData.links).distance(linkDistance)) .force("collide", forceCollide<NodeData>((n) => nodeRadius(n)).iterations(3)) const width = graph.offsetWidth const height = Math.max(graph.offsetHeight, 250) // precompute style prop strings as pixi doesn't support css variables const cssVars = [ "--secondary", "--tertiary", "--gray", "--light", "--lightgray", "--dark", "--darkgray", "--bodyFont", ] as const const computedStyleMap = cssVars.reduce( (acc, key) => { acc[key] = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(key) return acc }, {} as Record<(typeof cssVars)[number], string>, ) // calculate color const color = (d: NodeData) => { const isCurrent = === slug if (isCurrent) { return computedStyleMap["--secondary"] } else if (visited.has( ||"tags/")) { return computedStyleMap["--tertiary"] } else { return computedStyleMap["--gray"] } } function nodeRadius(d: NodeData) { const numLinks = graphData.links.filter( (l) => === || ===, ).length return 2 + Math.sqrt(numLinks) } let hoveredNodeId: string | null = null let hoveredNeighbours: Set<string> = new Set() const linkRenderData: LinkRenderData[] = [] const nodeRenderData: NodeRenderData[] = [] function updateHoverInfo(newHoveredId: string | null) { hoveredNodeId = newHoveredId if (newHoveredId === null) { hoveredNeighbours = new Set() for (const n of nodeRenderData) { = false } for (const l of linkRenderData) { = false } } else { hoveredNeighbours = new Set() for (const l of linkRenderData) { const linkData = l.simulationData if ( === newHoveredId || === newHoveredId) { hoveredNeighbours.add( hoveredNeighbours.add( } = === newHoveredId || === newHoveredId } for (const n of nodeRenderData) { = hoveredNeighbours.has( } } } let dragStartTime = 0 let dragging = false function renderLinks() { tweens.get("link")?.stop() const tweenGroup = new TweenGroup() for (const l of linkRenderData) { let alpha = 1 // if we are hovering over a node, we want to highlight the immediate neighbours // with full alpha and the rest with default alpha if (hoveredNodeId) { alpha = ? 1 : 0.2 } l.color = ? computedStyleMap["--gray"] : computedStyleMap["--lightgray"] tweenGroup.add(new Tweened<LinkRenderData>(l).to({ alpha }, 200)) } tweenGroup.getAll().forEach((tw) => tw.start()) tweens.set("link", { update: tweenGroup.update.bind(tweenGroup), stop() { tweenGroup.getAll().forEach((tw) => tw.stop()) }, }) } function renderLabels() { tweens.get("label")?.stop() const tweenGroup = new TweenGroup() const defaultScale = 1 / scale const activeScale = defaultScale * 1.1 for (const n of nodeRenderData) { const nodeId = if (hoveredNodeId === nodeId) { tweenGroup.add( new Tweened<Text>(n.label).to( { alpha: 1, scale: { x: activeScale, y: activeScale }, }, 100, ), ) } else { tweenGroup.add( new Tweened<Text>(n.label).to( { alpha: n.label.alpha, scale: { x: defaultScale, y: defaultScale }, }, 100, ), ) } } tweenGroup.getAll().forEach((tw) => tw.start()) tweens.set("label", { update: tweenGroup.update.bind(tweenGroup), stop() { tweenGroup.getAll().forEach((tw) => tw.stop()) }, }) } function renderNodes() { tweens.get("hover")?.stop() const tweenGroup = new TweenGroup() for (const n of nodeRenderData) { let alpha = 1 // if we are hovering over a node, we want to highlight the immediate neighbours if (hoveredNodeId !== null && focusOnHover) { alpha = ? 1 : 0.2 } tweenGroup.add(new Tweened<Graphics>(n.gfx, tweenGroup).to({ alpha }, 200)) } tweenGroup.getAll().forEach((tw) => tw.start()) tweens.set("hover", { update: tweenGroup.update.bind(tweenGroup), stop() { tweenGroup.getAll().forEach((tw) => tw.stop()) }, }) } function renderPixiFromD3() { renderNodes() renderLinks() renderLabels() } tweens.forEach((tween) => tween.stop()) tweens.clear() const app = new Application() await app.init({ width, height, antialias: true, autoStart: false, autoDensity: true, backgroundAlpha: 0, preference: "webgpu", resolution: window.devicePixelRatio, eventMode: "static", }) graph.appendChild(app.canvas) const stage = app.stage stage.interactive = false const labelsContainer = new Container<Text>({ zIndex: 3 }) const nodesContainer = new Container<Graphics>({ zIndex: 2 }) const linkContainer = new Container<Graphics>({ zIndex: 1 }) stage.addChild(nodesContainer, labelsContainer, linkContainer) for (const n of graphData.nodes) { const nodeId = const label = new Text({ interactive: false, eventMode: "none", text: n.text, alpha: 0, anchor: { x: 0.5, y: 1.2 }, style: { fontSize: fontSize * 15, fill: computedStyleMap["--dark"], fontFamily: computedStyleMap["--bodyFont"], }, resolution: window.devicePixelRatio * 4, }) label.scale.set(1 / scale) let oldLabelOpacity = 0 const isTagNode = nodeId.startsWith("tags/") const gfx = new Graphics({ interactive: true, label: nodeId, eventMode: "static", hitArea: new Circle(0, 0, nodeRadius(n)), cursor: "pointer", }) .circle(0, 0, nodeRadius(n)) .fill({ color: isTagNode ? computedStyleMap["--light"] : color(n) }) .stroke({ width: isTagNode ? 2 : 0, color: color(n) }) .on("pointerover", (e) => { updateHoverInfo( oldLabelOpacity = label.alpha if (!dragging) { renderPixiFromD3() } }) .on("pointerleave", () => { updateHoverInfo(null) label.alpha = oldLabelOpacity if (!dragging) { renderPixiFromD3() } }) nodesContainer.addChild(gfx) labelsContainer.addChild(label) const nodeRenderDatum: NodeRenderData = { simulationData: n, gfx, label, color: color(n), alpha: 1, active: false, } nodeRenderData.push(nodeRenderDatum) } for (const l of graphData.links) { const gfx = new Graphics({ interactive: false, eventMode: "none" }) linkContainer.addChild(gfx) const linkRenderDatum: LinkRenderData = { simulationData: l, gfx, color: computedStyleMap["--lightgray"], alpha: 1, active: false, } linkRenderData.push(linkRenderDatum) } let currentTransform = zoomIdentity if (enableDrag) { select<HTMLCanvasElement, NodeData | undefined>(app.canvas).call( drag<HTMLCanvasElement, NodeData | undefined>() .container(() => app.canvas) .subject(() => graphData.nodes.find((n) => === hoveredNodeId)) .on("start", function dragstarted(event) { if (! simulation.alphaTarget(1).restart() event.subject.fx = event.subject.x event.subject.fy = event.subject.y event.subject.__initialDragPos = { x: event.subject.x, y: event.subject.y, fx: event.subject.fx, fy: event.subject.fy, } dragStartTime = dragging = true }) .on("drag", function dragged(event) { const initPos = event.subject.__initialDragPos event.subject.fx = initPos.x + (event.x - initPos.x) / currentTransform.k event.subject.fy = initPos.y + (event.y - initPos.y) / currentTransform.k }) .on("end", function dragended(event) { if (! simulation.alphaTarget(0) event.subject.fx = null event.subject.fy = null dragging = false // if the time between mousedown and mouseup is short, we consider it a click if ( - dragStartTime < 500) { const node = graphData.nodes.find((n) => === as NodeData const targ = resolveRelative(fullSlug, window.spaNavigate(new URL(targ, window.location.toString())) } }), ) } else { for (const node of nodeRenderData) { node.gfx.on("click", () => { const targ = resolveRelative(fullSlug, window.spaNavigate(new URL(targ, window.location.toString())) }) } } if (enableZoom) { select<HTMLCanvasElement, NodeData>(app.canvas).call( zoom<HTMLCanvasElement, NodeData>() .extent([ [0, 0], [width, height], ]) .scaleExtent([0.25, 4]) .on("zoom", ({ transform }) => { currentTransform = transform stage.scale.set(transform.k, transform.k) stage.position.set(transform.x, transform.y) // zoom adjusts opacity of labels too const scale = transform.k * opacityScale let scaleOpacity = Math.max((scale - 1) / 3.75, 0) const activeNodes = nodeRenderData.filter((n) => => n.label) for (const label of labelsContainer.children) { if (!activeNodes.includes(label)) { label.alpha = scaleOpacity } } }), ) } function animate(time: number) { for (const n of nodeRenderData) { const { x, y } = n.simulationData if (!x || !y) continue n.gfx.position.set(x + width / 2, y + height / 2) if (n.label) { n.label.position.set(x + width / 2, y + height / 2) } } for (const l of linkRenderData) { const linkData = l.simulationData l.gfx.clear() l.gfx.moveTo(linkData.source.x! + width / 2, linkData.source.y! + height / 2) l.gfx .lineTo(! + width / 2,! + height / 2) .stroke({ alpha: l.alpha, width: 1, color: l.color }) } tweens.forEach((t) => t.update(time)) app.renderer.render(stage) requestAnimationFrame(animate) } const graphAnimationFrameHandle = requestAnimationFrame(animate) window.addCleanup(() => cancelAnimationFrame(graphAnimationFrameHandle)) } document.addEventListener("nav", async (e: CustomEventMap["nav"]) => { const slug = e.detail.url addToVisited(simplifySlug(slug)) await renderGraph("graph-container", slug) // Function to re-render the graph when the theme changes const handleThemeChange = () => { renderGraph("graph-container", slug) } // event listener for theme change document.addEventListener("themechange", handleThemeChange) // cleanup for the event listener window.addCleanup(() => { document.removeEventListener("themechange", handleThemeChange) }) const container = document.getElementById("global-graph-outer") const sidebar = container?.closest(".sidebar") as HTMLElement function renderGlobalGraph() { const slug = getFullSlug(window) container?.classList.add("active") if (sidebar) { = "1" } renderGraph("global-graph-container", slug) registerEscapeHandler(container, hideGlobalGraph) } function hideGlobalGraph() { container?.classList.remove("active") if (sidebar) { = "unset" } } async function shortcutHandler(e: HTMLElementEventMap["keydown"]) { if (e.key === "g" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && !e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault() const globalGraphOpen = container?.classList.contains("active") globalGraphOpen ? hideGlobalGraph() : renderGlobalGraph() } } const containerIcon = document.getElementById("global-graph-icon") containerIcon?.addEventListener("click", renderGlobalGraph) window.addCleanup(() => containerIcon?.removeEventListener("click", renderGlobalGraph)) document.addEventListener("keydown", shortcutHandler) window.addCleanup(() => document.removeEventListener("keydown", shortcutHandler)) })