import { slug } from "github-slugger" // this file must be isomorphic so it can't use node libs (e.g. path) export const QUARTZ = "quartz" /// Utility type to simulate nominal types in TypeScript type SlugLike<T> = string & { __brand: T } /** Cannot be relative and must have a file extension. */ export type FilePath = SlugLike<"filepath"> export function isFilePath(s: string): s is FilePath { const validStart = !s.startsWith(".") return validStart && _hasFileExtension(s) } /** Cannot be relative and may not have leading or trailing slashes. It can have `index` as it's last segment. Use this wherever possible is it's the most 'general' interpretation of a slug. */ export type FullSlug = SlugLike<"full"> export function isFullSlug(s: string): s is FullSlug { const validStart = !(s.startsWith(".") || s.startsWith("/")) const validEnding = !s.endsWith("/") return validStart && validEnding && !_containsForbiddenCharacters(s) } /** Shouldn't be a relative path and shouldn't have `/index` as an ending or a file extension. It _can_ however have a trailing slash to indicate a folder path. */ export type SimpleSlug = SlugLike<"simple"> export function isSimpleSlug(s: string): s is SimpleSlug { const validStart = !(s.startsWith(".") || s.startsWith("/")) const validEnding = !(s.endsWith("/index") || s === "index") return validStart && !_containsForbiddenCharacters(s) && validEnding && !_hasFileExtension(s) } /** Can be found on `href`s but can also be constructed for client-side navigation (e.g. search and graph) */ export type RelativeURL = SlugLike<"relative"> export function isRelativeURL(s: string): s is RelativeURL { const validStart = /^\.{1,2}/.test(s) const validEnding = !(s.endsWith("/index") || s === "index") return validStart && validEnding && ![".md", ".html"].includes(_getFileExtension(s) ?? "") } export function getFullSlug(window: Window): FullSlug { const res = window.document.body.dataset.slug! as FullSlug return res } export function slugifyFilePath(fp: FilePath, excludeExt?: boolean): FullSlug { fp = _stripSlashes(fp) as FilePath let ext = _getFileExtension(fp) const withoutFileExt = fp.replace(new RegExp(ext + "$"), "") if (excludeExt || [".md", ".html", undefined].includes(ext)) { ext = "" } let slug = withoutFileExt .split("/") .map((segment) => segment.replace(/\s/g, "-")) // slugify all segments .join("/") // always use / as sep .replace(/\/$/, "") // remove trailing slash // treat _index as index if (_endsWith(slug, "_index")) { slug = slug.replace(/_index$/, "index") } return (slug + ext) as FullSlug } export function simplifySlug(fp: FullSlug): SimpleSlug { return _stripSlashes(_trimSuffix(fp, "index"), true) as SimpleSlug } export function transformInternalLink(link: string): RelativeURL { let [fplike, anchor] = splitAnchor(decodeURI(link)) const folderPath = _isFolderPath(fplike) let segments = fplike.split("/").filter((x) => x.length > 0) let prefix = segments.filter(_isRelativeSegment).join("/") let fp = segments.filter((seg) => !_isRelativeSegment(seg) && seg !== "").join("/") // manually add ext here as we want to not strip 'index' if it has an extension const simpleSlug = simplifySlug(slugifyFilePath(fp as FilePath)) const joined = joinSegments(_stripSlashes(prefix), _stripSlashes(simpleSlug)) const trail = folderPath ? "/" : "" const res = (_addRelativeToStart(joined) + trail + anchor) as RelativeURL return res } // resolve /a/b/c to ../.. export function pathToRoot(slug: FullSlug): RelativeURL { let rootPath = slug .split("/") .filter((x) => x !== "") .slice(0, -1) .map((_) => "..") .join("/") if (rootPath.length === 0) { rootPath = "." } return rootPath as RelativeURL } export function resolveRelative(current: FullSlug, target: FullSlug | SimpleSlug): RelativeURL { const res = joinSegments(pathToRoot(current), simplifySlug(target as FullSlug)) as RelativeURL return res } export function splitAnchor(link: string): [string, string] { let [fp, anchor] = link.split("#", 2) anchor = anchor === undefined ? "" : "#" + slugAnchor(anchor) return [fp, anchor] } export function slugAnchor(anchor: string) { return slug(anchor) } export function slugTag(tag: string) { return tag .split("/") .map((tagSegment) => slug(tagSegment)) .join("/") } export function joinSegments(...args: string[]): string { return args.filter((segment) => segment !== "").join("/") } export function getAllSegmentPrefixes(tags: string): string[] { const segments = tags.split("/") const results: string[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { results.push(segments.slice(0, i + 1).join("/")) } return results } export interface TransformOptions { strategy: "absolute" | "relative" | "shortest" allSlugs: FullSlug[] } export function transformLink(src: FullSlug, target: string, opts: TransformOptions): RelativeURL { let targetSlug = transformInternalLink(target) if (opts.strategy === "relative") { return targetSlug as RelativeURL } else { const folderTail = _isFolderPath(targetSlug) ? "/" : "" const canonicalSlug = _stripSlashes(targetSlug.slice(".".length)) let [targetCanonical, targetAnchor] = splitAnchor(canonicalSlug) if (opts.strategy === "shortest") { // if the file name is unique, then it's just the filename const matchingFileNames = opts.allSlugs.filter((slug) => { const parts = slug.split("/") const fileName = return targetCanonical === fileName }) // only match, just use it if (matchingFileNames.length === 1) { const targetSlug = matchingFileNames[0] return (resolveRelative(src, targetSlug) + targetAnchor) as RelativeURL } } // if it's not unique, then it's the absolute path from the vault root return (joinSegments(pathToRoot(src), canonicalSlug) + folderTail) as RelativeURL } } function _isFolderPath(fplike: string): boolean { return ( fplike.endsWith("/") || _endsWith(fplike, "index") || _endsWith(fplike, "") || _endsWith(fplike, "index.html") ) } function _endsWith(s: string, suffix: string): boolean { return s === suffix || s.endsWith("/" + suffix) } function _trimSuffix(s: string, suffix: string): string { if (_endsWith(s, suffix)) { s = s.slice(0, -suffix.length) } return s } function _containsForbiddenCharacters(s: string): boolean { return s.includes(" ") || s.includes("#") || s.includes("?") } function _hasFileExtension(s: string): boolean { return _getFileExtension(s) !== undefined } function _getFileExtension(s: string): string | undefined { return s.match(/\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/)?.[0] } function _isRelativeSegment(s: string): boolean { return /^\.{0,2}$/.test(s) } export function _stripSlashes(s: string, onlyStripPrefix?: boolean): string { if (s.startsWith("/")) { s = s.substring(1) } if (!onlyStripPrefix && s.endsWith("/")) { s = s.slice(0, -1) } return s } function _addRelativeToStart(s: string): string { if (s === "") { s = "." } if (!s.startsWith(".")) { s = joinSegments(".", s) } return s }