--- date: 20200916 id: f41437f1-359e-41c9-894b-e5785c29d729 title: CommonJS --- # Syntax ``` javascript const ordinal = require("ordinal"); const {days, months} = require("date-names"); exports.formatDate = function(date, format) { return format.replace(/YYYY|M(MMM)?|Do?|dddd/g, tag => { if (tag == "YYYY") return date.getFullYear(); if (tag == "M") return date.getMonth(); if (tag == "MMMM") return months[date.getMonth()]; if (tag == "D") return date.getDate(); if (tag == "Do") return ordinal(date.getDate()); if (tag == "dddd") return days[date.getDay()]; }); }; ``` ``` javascript const {formatDate} = require("./format-date"); console.log(formatDate(new Date(2017, 9, 13), "dddd the Do")); // → Friday the 13th ```